Tuesday, April 24, 2007

run for wednesday, 4/25

i'll be in front of Whole Foods at 5:45, standing on the corner of 5th and lamar. i'll be running a mile down to the Austin High track, where i'll be doing some drills, then running 8 x 200m at mile pace, with 200m recoveries. if you haven't been doing speedwork, you'll want to keep the pace down, or do a couple of miles of straights and curves instead.

please be warned, i don't like capital letters.


Amy said...


Rob said...

amy is a special runner, who one day a year ago accidentally hit the "caps lock" button and could never find it again.

chuckd said...

capitals are for old ladies and republicans...

sounds good on wed. i may make it. rather than going to core. i guess it will be a coin toss.

wed speed will this be a regular run for you?
interested in doing hills as well.

one week hills/marshes, one week speed?

Rob said...

yeah, this would have been the last week of my PR class, so I'm running that workout, and a wednesday schedule.

after this week, i'll see what works for you guys schedule-wise - monday, tuesday, or wednesday to run quality workouts. and yes, they'll alternate speedwork and hill work - not just the marshes, either. dark things. evil things. like that hill we ran down saturday morning? think repeats up it.

bwa. bwa. bwahahahahahaha! (note i did not even use capital letters there, though usually, i would. have to prove a point right now, though.)

chuckd said...

which point are you trying to prove? that your not an old lady????

yes hills i need/want hills...

the saturday run was great and i definitely see running that many more times. i was thinking it would be cool to do a couple of miles around town lake to warm up and then run that route. shoot for 9-10 mile run.

J. La said...


really, who needs/wants hills. hills are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!! They are the devil!!!!!!!!!!!


no, I am not an old lady or a Republican. I just <3 grammer

chuckd said...

hey, hey J La....

hills are great, you go up, but then you get to go down. : )

why hills? do we have a choice? we live in austin, there's gonna be hills. so why fight it? and in the end it will make us stronger.

and i'm gonna do this little run in SF that might have a few hills. so i need to run some hills.

Lyssa said...

Oh my, I cannot believe how much of a blonde burnet I truely am. I guess I just figured out how to post on the same posts. This is awesome! I think I will get one.

Lyssa said...

Yay! This is weird but not as weird as Muffasah Weird Guy!