Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This Week's Above and Beyond

Just wanted to give mad runner props out to Those Who Went Above and Beyond in the last week:
  • Chuck and Amy kicked butt Saturday morning on the 12 miler, on a course with some significant hills, and, briefly, in a fairly steady downpour. They're totally ready for San Francisco.
  • Amanda was in that state where all the cuts come together, Connecticut. Saturday, she ran eight miles on her own in that strange land, and apologized for not going 12. Incidentally, I think we all need to watch out for Connect-i-Cut. Something's going on up there: Amanda spent a week there, Mandy's boyfriend Paul was up there, and Amy's there this week. Something is afoot. Hopefully, Michael Bay is not involved.
  • Not Mandy's Boyfriend Paul Streetman Paul ran 36 miles last week. Then he made the mistake of being several minutes early to Saturday's run, and only ran six. Still, good job.
  • Uhhh... Mandy and I. Sort of. Last night, we were meeting at Whole Foods to run four or five miles. We didn't feel up to it, and just wanted to go drink beer. So, we ran our first bar slam (let's not call it a pub run), hitting the Tiniest Bar in Texas (very cool), Shoal Creek Saloon (nice patio with fans), Little Woodrow's (pretty non-fratty on a Monday night, and cheap Texas beers), Halcyon (where I purchased a beer, a bag of Miss Vickie's jalapeno chips, a chocolate chip cookie, and a pack of expensive cigarettes), Club 115 to meet up with Erin and John, then back to Tiniest Bar. We'll have to do this again, but with everyone, maybe to celebrate after our half marathons.

See you people Saturday morning. If you need to run less distance, still try to come on out.


chuckd said...

Thanks man!

Amy said...

a pack of cigarettes?