Thursday, May 31, 2007

saturday, june 2 run

ok, people, here's the scoop on saturday:

8:30am, Whole Foods (by the door nearest the gelato counter)

i've plotted a 5.5 mile course (see map), and i'll have some maps printed out, but it's going to be pretty easy (detailed directions below).

there will be some water stops along the way, in UT buildings, and on the Capitol Grounds, but it can't hurt to bring a couple of bucks.

breakfast after?

the blow-by-blow:

leave Whole Foods at 8:30 (if you're running late, call me - 796-0448)
head east on 6th Street
turn left (N) on Rio Grande
stay on Rio Grande to MLK
at MLK, jog slightly left to stay on Rio Grande
right on 29th Street
cross Guadalupe
left on Fruth
right on 30th
right on Speedway
Speedway becomes Congress at MLK
run around the Capitol to the left (like you would in the marathon)
down Congress (use sidewalk) to 4th (the marathon finish line!)
right on 4th
right on Guadalupe (sidewalk)
left on 6th
back to Whole Foods

contingency plan if Congress is completely closed for the biker rally:
come out of the Capitol grounds and turn right on the sidewalk
left on Colorado
right on 4th
right on Guadalupe
left on 6th
back to Whole Foods

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