Friday, May 4, 2007

saturday's long run

Whole Foods
9am Saturday morning
course map

PLEASE RSVP - if no one is coming, then I may just run the ASH Dash instead. or, I may do both... but either way, i'd like to be able to plan accordingly.

ok, since most of you raced last week, and some of you haven't been running (ahem), this has been set up as a relatively easy week, except for those nasty Marshes. you know, it's kind of sad that Brandon and Amy Marsh, the local triathletes after whom the workout is named, are now constantly cursed. "stupid Marshes. I hate the Marshes."

anyway, i have a fun 6 miler for Saturday morning. we'll meet at 9am, at Whole Foods, by the bike racks in front of the door nearest the gelato counter. the course is mostly easy, with just a couple of pretty good climbs. it also includes the last two and a half miles of the AT&T half marathon, which should be fun. if you dfon't want to cover the whole 6, there will be several places where you can shorten the route.

please let me know by commenting here or emailing me if you'll be coming. if enough people are coming, i'll put water out. otherwise, there are places we'll be able to stop for water. you might bring a couple of bucks, just in case.


J. La said...

i wish i could make it out for the run tomorrow, but i have company in town, and i need to sleep in. i'm getting to old for all these late nights :-(

Rob said...

more like "j. LAME"

mstreetman said...

Rob, play nice with others!

Ok.. so Paul and I can't make it either. Family committments, whatever. I think I would rather be running instead of sitting in the Erwin Center for a graduation ceremony. My butt hurts just thinking about sitting for that long.

Amy said...

Sorry I could not do tomorrow. Thanks for inviting me!