Friday, June 8, 2007

On the 10 day (at least) DL

Ok.. the dr's office called yesterday and offered an appt for 10:00 this morning versus my original appt of July 3rd, so I snapped it up. Bottom line, pinched nerve along my heel which is what is causing my foot to fall asleep. Dr's orders of no running for at least 10 days (my next appt). Sorry, Rob. I forgot to get a signed excuse from him. He gave me a cortisone shot in the nerve and has prescribed a "nerve regenerating" med which insurance has already rejected. Apparently I completely skipped their "step=up" therapy list and went straight to the top. *&^% HMOs.

So for tomorrow, I'm thinking about taking the new bike out for a spin and act as run support. Not sure I will make it the entire 8 miles of hills but we shall see.


J. La said...

I gladly pass the torch of lameness on to you.

mstreetman said...

How nice!! (said in my best southern drawl)

J. La said...

okay michelle, maybe we can share the torch. my ankle has been bothering me something fierce. I am taking the rest of this week off(makes it sound like i have done something since friday that way)

mstreetman said...

Nope, not sharing. You get to keep it all to yourself since I at least got the bike out and did the same course with the runners. Someone, and I'm not naming names (Jennifer) decided to sleep in.

You are SO the Queen of Lameness.

J. La said...

Don't worry I paid the price for it and then some. Saturday morning before the pest control guy got to the house, the hot water pipe under the kitchen sink decided to break. i never knew the water heater could hold that much water.