Friday, June 22, 2007

Saturday - the Northern Seven

ok, something different for this Saturday's long run. we're running the northernmost seven miles of the Austin Marathon course. if i seem to be having some sort of violent flashback, just run around me.

we're meeting at 7:30am
we'll meet in the parking lot at the corner of North Loop and Burnet Road.
here's a map of the course

i plan for us to have water every couple of miles, but bring a few bucks, just in case. you shouldn't need extra nutrition during the run, but you'll want some soon after.

the course is pretty flat, and should be fun and easy on a bike. if you need a shorter run, let me know.

if you didn't run 10 last weekend, don't sweat it. just come out and run the seven. everyone is still well on track for their goals at this point.


paul said...

Sorry Rob, but that map is for last nights 5 mile pub run.

Rob said...

gotcha. i had resaved it as a different route, but it didn't change the url in the address bar that i cut and pasted... weird...

Rob said...
