Saturday, June 9, 2007

that sucked

see above.


chuckd said...

rob is a sadist.

brutal run today. hot & humid. 80 at 7am.

the hills were rough.

anything will be easier after this run.

thanks man!!

Amy said...

So glad to be on the exile team. I would never run something like this on my own.

Thanks to all who showed up today.

Any ideas for Keep Austin Weird attire?

oh- and extra kudos to those who didn't stop to walk at all on Mt. Bonell!!!

Rob said...

hey, it's one of the pitfalls of having a coach that drinks regularly and feels the need to challenge you.

that was a hard-ass run. chuck and amy, you showed you're ready for san fran. mandy - you kicked much ass, running all the way up mount bonnell. you, too, amanda.

and paul, mixing it up with the run-walk action - the key here is to get you weaned off the walking, which is all about pacing. you're doing a great job, though.

so, yeah, it was about as hard a run as you could design. it reminds me of the very brief geeky period as a sixth grader where i got into dungeons and dragons, but only thought it was fun to design impossibly, stupidly deadly dungeons in which to kill my friends. yeah, this is pretty much exactly the same.

but, it still fits into the plan - we're going really easy this week, and even the 10-miler next saturday will be completely flat. i'm going to let you guys get completely comfortable with running in the 8-10 mile range, regardless of topography, for the next month or so, before i ramp up mileage. in july, we'll get you to 12 and 14, in prep for the san fran or the fort davis halves.

and if you thought today was tough... there is one run i will unashamedly steal from rogue. i expect crying and possible euthanasia during the run...

chuckd said...

man yesterday was a LONG day. I was up at 6am and went to bed at 3:30am. I slept in today.

Next Saturday will be great. 13 miles split up over two runs.

Not sure on costumes. I do have a wig I could bring.

Everybody did a great job yesterday. I do disagree with Rob on one point. Don't worry about walking some. In this heat, with hills like this or no hills and the heat. walk. It may save your life. Or it may just help get through your run. I walked yesterday and feel fine about it. Walk up hills, walk when you need it. don't beat yourself up about walking.

that's my thought. take it for what it is.

Rob said...

oh, yeah, totally - i really didn't mean to bag on anyone for walking any of that course yesterday. sometimes, you just have to do it. but some people are mainly having to walk because they're running too fast the rest of the time. yes, i saw what they said in this month's runners world about how many people can finish a race faster if they run/walk. but it's pretty cool when you're able to run more and walk less. we'll all get there.

paul said...

Lets just say im working on getting faster so im mixing running and walking.

In this heat, im proud to walk.

...and hello!!!, there were lots of major HILLS!!!

FYI, im currently running a mile on the treadmill in 7:30 minutes yet the best i could do at the Austin High track last week was an 11:00 minute mile...i miss the cold january days...

Amy said...

7:30? Really? That's crazy fast.

paul said...

well 7:30 for a 1 mile sprint only. doing that to warm up for strength workout.

but yeah, huge difference between what i can do in airconditioned comfort vs tx weather